Gobierno del Estado de California
Alpha.CA.gov ya no se actualiza.
Este fue un proyecto piloto de 12 semanas en 2019-20 que exploró nuevos enfoques para sitios web estatales.
Si necesita la página de inicio del estado, visite CA.gov.
Product framing helps our team think about and focus on the problem we’re here to solve.
Done/doing is a recap of what we’ve done this week and what we have in our sprint plan for the week ahead. While many of us were out for the holidays, a lot of work was still getting done. This post covers the week of December 30-January 5.
Done/doing is a recap of what we’ve done this week and what we have in our sprint plan for the week ahead. This post covers the week of December 16–22.
Design principles help teams and stakeholders to align on design vision and decision-making.
Done/Doing is a recap of what Team Alpha has done this week and what we have in our sprint plan for the week ahead. This post is the first in what will be a weekly series delivered every Friday.
Our new team has a big job. We’re working to make it easier for Californians to access, understand and use digital information and services.
Over the last decade, governments around the world have started asking themselves, 'How can we use digital to better serve our people?'
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